I was not expecting anything good when I ordered this watch - I thought the face would be smashed in transit and/or it just wouldn't keep the time.
But I was wrong, so here we are with my new favourite item in my The Bargain Hunter series...
I mainly focus on fragrances nowadays, but dip my toes into cosmetics, skincare, haircare, books and music.
I went into my local branch of Clinton's today to buy the Twisted Peppermint jar candle, but I noticed a new small display table piled with Yankee Halloween candles.
So I naturally forgot about my original mission and bought some of the Halloween ones instead...
After being left disappointed by the non-existent leather accord in Royal Revolution, I expected another wishy washy "meh" release here too as Coty is behind the Lady Gaga fragrances, as well as the newer Katy Perry ones. Was I right not to expect much, or was I pleasantly surprised?
As promised, today I've typed up my thoughts on the new Beyoncé Heat flanker; Heat Wild Orchid. I think that the original Heat, and first flanker Heat Rush, is meh; nice enough, but nothing interesting enough to stand out from the 1000s of fragrances released every year. Midnight Heat impressed me more, but is a heavier fragrance, and with my migraines, I've been finding it harder to wear recently.
However as I've found the new pillar perfume - Rise - from Beyoncé to be very enjoyable, I'm feeling lucky when it comes to Heat Wild Orchid too.
But have I gotten my hopes up for nothing?