Monday, 26 November 2018

EOTD: The Shade + Light Glimmer eyeshadow palette, by Kat Von D Beauty...

Who fancies some Kat Von D makeup at 40% off?!  

If you don't own the The Shade + Light Glimmer palette yet, then here is your perfect (and last) chance to get your hands on it; I'm sure that I read somewhere when it was released that it would be limited edition, so it looks like it's being cleared from the shelves with a £14.80 discount.

I've not worn any of my Shade + Light Glimmer shadows for a little while now, so I used the price-slash as the perfect excuse for a post and demo showing off my favourite and most-used shades...

Friday, 23 November 2018

Is it going on the naughty list? The Naughty eyeshadow palette, by Kylie Cosmetics...

Last November I ordered the complete 'Holiday 2017 Bundle' on the Kylie Cosmetics site [and some highlight  books too, as they weren't included in the 'complete Holiday  bundle - grrrr], so that I could divide it into separate gifts for family and friends. Long story short; my order didn't arrive until January this year, so after giving the other items in the bundle to everyone with a ton of apologies, I tossed this leftover palette into a drawer in annoyance and forgot about it. 
Then a few months ago I was doing one of my palette look-over's [checking if any have gone bad and looking for any shattered pans in them] and came across the neglected Naughty palette, so I put it on top of my dresser so that I'd remember to use it.

Is it a hidden gem that's worth you picking up as a xmas gift, or for you to get party-ready? Should I dump it back in it's drawer and forget about it again?

Monday, 19 November 2018

EOTD: The Peanut Butter Cup palette (part of the Chocolate Heart gift set) by I 💗Revolution...

Today's post is a quick n easy everyday look with the Peanut Butter Cup palette, that is new for Christmas 2018 from I 💗 Revolution. No fancy intro or special explanation for today's look - I just want to show you what you can achieve with the palette, if you are unsure if to get it or not.

[the Peanut Butter Cup palette is part of a 4-piece makeup set, that is part of the brand's Christmas 2018 gift range - it can't currently be bought separately]

Monday, 12 November 2018

Blinging like a Boss with The Vault and Morphe...

This palette is the one in The Vault collection that I was the most keen on owning, but once I got it I was almost scared of trying it in case I didn't like it, after the backlash against the collection began.

However I've now had a couple of months to try every shade a couple of times, so now my verdict is in. Will I now be joining in the online frenzy against the palettes? So far in my series, I really enjoy one palette in The Vault and dislike the other, so it could go either way... 

Monday, 5 November 2018

Getting lippie: Sweet Tooth by L'Oreal...

I'm back with my third nude liquid lipstick from L'Oreal's Les Chocolats liquid lipsticks line and wasted no time in putting it to the test with all-day wear tests. Will it be third-time lucky, or have I pushed my luck too far?

Thursday, 1 November 2018

EOTD: The Red Velvet palette (part of the Chocolate Heart gift set) by I 💗Revolution...

Today's spotlight look is rather simple and on the quieter side for a regular go-to considering my current "if I'm going to wear makeup, then I'm going all out" all or nothing tastes, but as my one and only past demo using this palette is on the louder side using around half a dozen shades, I thought I'd show you a quicker and more subtle direction which you can take with Red Velvet* for more everyday type looks...

[the Red Velvet palette is part of a 4-piece makeup set, that is part of the brand's Christmas 2018 gift range]