Reviewing a festive fragrance back in September made me think about my favourite "Christmas is coming!" perfume, so lets take a look at it now that the festive season has arrived... Hidden Fantasy was released in 2008 and is made by Elizabeth Arden. I think it was limited edition, but it is extremely easy to find online cheaply [under £20 for 100ml] most places and it still pops up in stores too - both discount stores, and regular retailers. It is something that I wear regularly during autumn/winter, and most days in December. It has a warming effect on me, and I find the cake batter, clove and orange combination very festive - I've made sure to have a bottle of it on hand since it's release as it very quickly became my traditional "Christmas is coming" fragrance for cold and gloomy days - I think I've gone through three bottles so far, and I just ordered a new one two months ago. So lets take a closer look at Hidden Fantasy, whilst there is plenty of time left to pick up a bottle in time for Christmas...
Today we'll be looking at something from Sally Hansen; my favourite pharmacy [drugstore] level price-point polish brand. I try to keep my NOTD posts focused on polishes that are easier to find, so I picked the shade Belle of the Ball for today, as it's easy to get AND is fitting for the festive season - a lovely option for a stocking stuffer...
Since I've reviewed two Kat Von D eyeshadow palettes as being great gifting products, I thought that I'd follow them up by looking at one of her re-released perfumes. [if you're wondering; I find Sinner too strong & migraine inducing, so I can't do a decent review for it as the scent notes overwhelm me] For this 'great Christmas gift idea' product we need to take a walk down memory lane; it was 2009 and I went into a Sephora whilst on my first visit to NYC, which is where I first encountered a fantastic cosmetics brand called Kat Von D Beauty. As well as making the lipstick shade that I still love today, they also made two perfumes; Saint and Sinner, one of which, Saint [see above for original packaging] I Ioved and bought immediately. Over the next few years I would always pick up a bottle or roller ball pen and sample the other two perfumes that followed Saint and Sinner [Poetica & Adora] when I went to the US, until the time came that when I went on one of my trips, I found that the perfumes had all been discontinued. Back then I think that the perfumes had been US/Canada only releases only, because I never saw them anywhere else - not even eBay, and I eventually gave up looking. Fast forward to August 2017; both Saint and Sinner have been re-released in stunning new bottles, and are available on the Debenhams site [and in selected stores]. So lets dive in and see if Saint is as good as I remembered.....