The other parts...

Friday 19 April 2013

Lightening Up: Part III

The story so far...

I've stripped the violet out of my hair, which left me ginger, and then tried to tone down the red stains in my hair via bleach. As you can see, if you follow that link, the results were quite patchy.

Bleaching: The first attempt

I didn't expect the store bought bleach [I used Schwarzkopf Live XXL in Max Blonde] to work fully on my previously coloured and stained hair, but I didn't count on the stubborn violet streaks to remain.

I decided that my dark blonde dye would just look patchy applied directly over the resulting mesh of shades of orange, yellow and violet, and so choose to bleach it again...

Much better. My final shade should be nice and even now. I'm almost back to my natural hair colour.

To be concluded....

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