The other parts...

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Lightening up: Part II


So.... I've stripped the violet out of my hair, which left me ginger (my use of various red and purple hair dyes has permanently stained my ash blonde hair cuticles). As I plan on using a dark blonde hair dye I am trying to tone down the red stains in my hair, as they'll show up through the shade that I want to use.

Without further ado I present you with the results of my first DIY bleaching attempt...


Now I knew that the store bought dye wouldn't be strong enough to remove my cuticle staining, so I was prepared for the resulting yellow/orange shade, which would still be light enough for me to dye over.

What surprised me was the stubborn streaks of violet - the actual dye didn't show up that well on my hair when I firs coloured it, but now AFTER the stripping and bleaching it finally decides that it's the time for it to shine...

Sigh. I'm deciding if I should re-bleach my hair, or just throw the new dye over it and hope for the best [yeah, I'm lazy].

The bleaching kit I used was Schwarkopf Max Blonde. It will lighten hair up to 8 levels darker then the models on the box. I bought it from Superdrug, where it was on offer for £3.99. Boots and Asda also sell Schwarzkopf hair dyes.

I've included a close-up photo of my roots, so you can see how the product will work on uncoloured hair.

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