The other parts...

Sunday 4 March 2018

Speedy review: Indi edp by Katy Perry...

When I read that the latest Coty/Katy Perry fragrance contains five different tones of musk accords I was instantly turned off, as musk is a scent note that I'm sensitive to and can find it to be rather sickly if too heavy. However I later read that Indi also contains white tea and cedar, so I became intrigued enough by it to pick up a reduced Christmas gift-set online last month, as no stores near me carry it.

Were my first dismissals right and I wasted my money? Was I wrong at first and now have a new fragrance to enjoy? Time to find out...

Out of both the Jigsaw and Coty collections of Katy Perry-branded perfumes, Indi is the only fragrance that I could actually envision Katy Perry wearing herself - it just is what it is, no apologies. It's quite a simple effort, but the uncluttered feeling of the scent notes is charming; a white tea with bergamot, resting on woody musk. I like that this is stripped back and liner, plus isn't very fruity or florally on me - I can't separate any plum or individual floral notes at all.

The Tonka bean is very strong however and seems to have vanilla-as-amber intertwined with it, which lessens my enjoyment of Indi a bit. I really enjoy fragrances which contain Tonka bean and vanilla notes normally, but they overwhelm the calm, uncluttered vibe that Indi had going on - I find them a bit out of place here.

Official scent notes; white tea, plum, bergamot, cyclamen, lily-of-the-valley, white cedar extract, amber, tonka bean, musk, white musk, black musk, egyptian musk and island musk.
The poor wear-time is what really lets Indi down for me, and is why this review is so short; I struggle to smell anything after about three to four hours and the scent goes close to the skin quickly, so I don't get much detail scent-wise. The biggest downside is that it constantly needs topping up - I'm just not that into fussing around refreshing, so want something that'll last for a while. A real shame as I'd have bought a bottle of Indi after I've used up the one I have [it's going quickly, thanks to all of the top-ups], if it wore better.

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