The other parts...

Saturday 19 December 2015

NOTD: Santa's Sunburn by Pretty Serious...

Many thought that Santa's Sunburn was discontinued. That story isn't true. This favourite from the Christmas Without Snow collection was simply ahead of it's time, literally. It left the Pretty Serious line up and returned to it's home in the Christmas Future, and now it has returned with some friends - The Ghosts of Christmas Future collection.
For my last post in 2015 I wanted to focus on something super festive, so I'm going to review a new purchase from the new Pretty Serious Christmas range - a red metallic nail polish, that was first released in 2012, that has proven to be so popular that it has just been relaunched in The Ghost Of Christmas Future collection...

Santa's Sunburn is a warm yellow-based red, that is filled with so much silver shimmer that it becomes metallic. I'm not usually a fan of warmer reds, but I love this one - there's no doubt that it is red, but its not loud and in-your-face of a red, so I feel confident in it and can  see myself getting loads of wear out of it.

The formula can be summed up in one word; fantastic. It is opaque, and the shade is bottle-true, in just one coat. In fact I'm only wearing the one coat for these photos - so it's a great choice for people who won't get a load of spare time for mani's this Christmas, one swipe and your done.

Santa's Sunburn can be bought from the Pretty Serious website here for £4.75.

Delivery to the UK is $28 Aus dollars, which is around £14, so order at least three polishes at a time to get your monies worth. Delivery took five days once the parcel was dispatched from Sydney.

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