The other parts...

Monday 24 August 2015

Faking it with Chisel Cheeks Contour Kit by Barry M...

 Contouring and highlighting has become a big thing in beauty over the last few years, so there was a big choice in kits to help me fake the look of chiseled goddess when I decided to climb aboard the bandwagon and add definition to my face. I picked one of the cheaper kits on store shelves as I'm in no way an expert, or even semi-talented, when it comes to makeup application, so why pay a large sum of money on something that I'm probably going to screw up?

I'll just stop now, before I start to ramble, and let you all see what I managed to accomplish. Are contouring & highlighting kits easy for us non-makeup artist types to use? Can you get a high-end look with drugstore level products? Was I able to go out in public with my finished look? 

As you can tell by my swatches, none of the three cheek products are shimmery, which is a huge plus for getting a more natural-looking sunkissed-and-shadowing effect.

I'm not wearing foundation or BB cream in my photos [I am wearing translucent powder], so we can see what change in skintone can be achieved by using these products alone. Also; I've not used any filters or editing software on my photos.

Above: The before and after headshot; not only has the bronzer added warmth to my skin tone, but the powders have had a concealing/light diffusing effect on my skin's redness and other imperfections.

Below: you can see how well the contour shade blends with my skin tone - being so pale, I was a bit worried about the powders being too dark or orange. However the product quality is excellent for the price, making blending super easy.

I have played around with this kit for a few months now, and I find working the included steps 3, 2, 1 (darkest to lightest)  works better as the highlighting powder doesn't become buried underneath the bronzing and contouring powders this way.


Here's a quick snap of me using the bronzer on my lids, and the contour shade in my crease & lining under my lower lashes. Nothing exciting about the look, but it's always nice to find multi tasking products.


The Chiseled Cheeks kit costs £5.99, and is available from Boots and Superdrug.

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