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Monday 25 May 2015

Little Miss Anarchy? Miss Manga Punky mascara by L'Oreal...

I surprised myself by really enjoying L'Oreal Miss Manga Mascara, so I was really excited to come across their new Miss Manga Punky edition when I went to rebuy the original one.

Am I a Punky girl, or will I remain a little Miss?

Miss Manga Punky has the mega volume, good lengthening abilities, and rich black colour that the original Miss Manga has, but has a different kind of bendy wand to give lashes a spiky shape which makes the lashes look even more voluminous.

Yeah, it has a wet Formula so it clumps. But that is the whole point to this mascara, so you have to expect a wet formula. It hasn't flaked on me though, so that is a big plus in Miss Manga Punky's favour though.

All naked lash vs one coat

It is the brush itself which is flexible on Miss Manga Punky, as opposed to the flexible brush wand on the regular Miss Manga mascara.

The TV ads show that you're meant to use the bendy brush vertically in place of the second coat to achieve the spiky lash look, but I personally prefer to use the brush horizontally on the second coat and move the wand in the traditional zigzag method, and it produces the same results - so it is a case of which method you prefer, which is nice.

Miss Manga Punky isn't what I'd call a bad mascara, as it does what it promises and has a non-flaking formula that doesn't dry up quickly, but I personally wouldn't buy this again. No bad reason for this; I simply find the full-on 'punky' look this mascara gives too dramatic for my tastes. However if you're looking for a 'wham bam' statement mascara then I'd suggest trying this. 

I whole heartily recommend the original Miss Manga to everyone though - it offers the fantastic volume, length & rich colour of this version, but doesn't give the highly visible clumpy texture to lashes.

Two coats


Miss Manga Punky mascara costs £9.99 and is sold wherever L'Oreal cosmetics are stocked eg Boots, Superdrug, and selected supermarkets.

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