The other parts...

Thursday 20 November 2014

The Bargain Hunter: Cookie & cream-comb...

I want to do I quick review for this cute mirror & comb compact because I think that this item could make a nice stocking filler for someone this Christmas...

Okay; this is kinda cheap and tacky, plus [as you can tell from the photo] the little comb is cute, but really rather useless, but the compact mirror is something that I use every day.

One side of the compact has the mirror whilst the other side is left hollow (so that the comb fits in neatly), so the compact doesn't look like something that you've spent a lot of money on. However I've had mine for around three months and have dropped it a few times, but it still looks and operates as it did new out of the packaging.

I also felt that it was worth pointing out that, unlike the other items I've reviewed, this doesn't come in a totally plain baggie, and so would make a cute little stocking stuffer for someone.

My order took two weeks to arrive (from China), so you can still order it in time for Christmas.


Order the compact mirror here for £1.12.

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