The other parts...

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Sixth Grave on the Edge (Charley Davidson #6) by Darynda Jones...

Sometimes I wrestle my demons. Sometimes we just snuggle.

  —  bumper sticker

Most girls might think twice before getting engaged to someone like Reyes Farrow—but Charley Davidson is not most girls. She’s a paranormal private eye and grim reaper-in-training who’s known to be a bit of a hell-raiser, especially after a few shots of caffeine. 

Her beloved Reyes may be the only begotten son of evil, but he’s dark and sultry and deeply sexy and everything Charley could hope for. Really. But when the FBI file on Reyes’s childhood happens to land in her lap, she can’t help herself: She opens it...and then the real fun begins. 

First, Charley finds a naked corpse riding shotgun in her car. Then, a man loses his soul in a card game. Throw in a Deaf boy who sees dead people, a woman running from mobsters, and a very suspicious Reyes, and things can’t get any worse for Charley. Unless, of course, the Twelve Beasts of Hell are unleashed..

My main issue with the book is still the same as it is with every other book in this series; I can't stand the leads. Charley is selfish, spiteful, childish and her constant  humour injections are so over-the-top that this series just seems like a parody, whilst Reyes is manipulative, suffocatingly controlling, and has serious anger issues. And he never tells her useful and/or vital information until she is heading towards danger. I really, really dislike Reyes. The author has gone way too far with this bad boy/alpha male crap for my tastes.

This is the 6th book in the series and Charley still hasn't shown me enough signs that make me believe that she has any real feelings for Reyes - he's hot and rich, so that should be enough. 
Plus WTF is Charleys problem with her stepmother? I've been waiting for some big revelation, but still haven't gotten one. As far as I can see its Charley being horrible to her, not the other way around. Oh well, At least Charley is now getting around to looking into Mr Wong. It's only taken her six books...

At least Charley's PI and ghostly solve-the-departeds-issues-so-that-they-can-move-on Subplots are more interesting then they've been for the past few books, so there is a tiny silver lining.

The major story-arc; the sudden hell/satan information overload has just left me totally confused. We've had barely anything to go on through books 1 - 5, so now I'm all "huh?!" It doesn't help that everyone is telling her different things. 

The author has a seven-book series and it reads like she has only just realized that she is near the end of the road; there are so many crazy twists and revelations that I can't take it seriously- it's all so OTT. Again I'm wondering if this series is a parody...

I still hope that this series will end on the next book and won't get stretched out any more though - the author has already given things a bumpy, padding filled and confusing ride as it is, so spreading things out more will create an unreadable mess.

Paperback: £5.67
Kindle: £4.49

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