The other parts...

Sunday 12 January 2014

Yeah THEY'RE REAL... They're Real mascara by Benefit.

I'll start with the good stuff; Benefit's THEY'RE REAL mascara ticks all of the mascara dreamlist boxes for me; Great separation, added length and amazing volume increase. I've not experienced flaking or smudging, plus it holds my curl all day and is easy to remove.

The brush is a regular size with short rubber bristles so it is easy to use and It grabs, coats and pushes every lash out and up. However what is unique is that the end of the wand also has bristles, to catch those little straggly hairs in the inner and outer corners of the eye.

I've had favourable comments from strangers when I've worn this mascara...

Naked lashes vs 1 coat
Bad points? I don't have anything negative to say about the formula, or the results. But whilst the shape of the brush is important to create the shape and definition, the shaped end can be a bit of a hindrance. One eye on me always looks great because of the shaped end, but I don't like flipping my wrist to do the other eye as I don't like the feeling of a lack of control, so my other eye rarely has the same level of definition.

As you can see on the below photo my main issue with this problem is that the inner corner of one eye always looks less defined, and the outer corner of the problem eye can be prone to a few minor clumps.

Of course, if you are comfortable flipping your wrists during mascara application you can just ignore the last few paragraphs :)  

2 coats

The price [£19.50] is also a bit of a put off for me; so whilst I will consider buying this mascara again, I'll always be on the look-out for a cheaper alternative as They're Real is good, but the niggles over the brush and price mean it isn't a I-must-have-it-now product for me.

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