The other parts...

Wednesday 15 August 2012

No Safe Words Here: A ongoing erotic tale...

I feel like the only person who hasn't read - or at least attempted to read - 50 Shades of Grey. The whole it-began-as-Twilight-fan-fiction thing put me off immediately [I couldn't force myself to read past the first third of the first Twilight book], so the huge surge in the popularity of erotic fiction has passed me by. Until now.
No Safe Words Here is a first draft erotic novel [so adults only], by indie author Mercy Walker.

I've read a few of her books [I'll get my Last Rites review up soon], so decided to give the first chapter of this a go and have become hooked, so I just wanted to pass the info along.

Mercy discusses No Safe Words Here, err, here.

The project is ongoing and is being posted on Blogspot.  Read [and enjoy] No Safe Words Here from the start here; No Safe Words Here: Post One--Chapter One...

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