The other parts...

Tuesday 22 May 2012

First impressions: Meow EDP by Katy Perry

"It's a sister fragrance. Purr to me was a little bit more floral, and Meow is a little bit more sweet. It was probably because of the California Dreams tour that it was more of the confectionery world, because everything I've seen for the last year has been like cotton-candy scented or huge peppermints or massive gummy bears." - Katy Perry

Rating: 3/5
Advantages: Non-cloying, reasonable wear, pretty bottle,
Disadvantages: unoriginal, spotty availability.

The pear is the strongest fruit note in MEOW and gives the fragrance a light and watery feel. Combined with the whisper of tangerine, I find the fruits used in MEOW to be milder and fresher then those used in Purr. I also think there is a touch of peach to soften the fresh feel of the watery pear note down a bit. The soft vanilla is present through all of the fragrance, with adds a creamy sweetness and warmth to the mix from the start.

The floral notes used for MEOW are disappointingly underdeveloped. Aside from a breeze of orange blossom and subtle honeysuckle, none of them are strong enough to stand out individually from the fruits and vanilla. This is definitely a fruity perfume. I sometimes think that I can make out the lily, but it's too short-lived to really be sure what I think I'm sniffing. There is no strong indication between the heart notes and the base, thanks to the constant trickle of pear, peach and vanilla. The sandalwood and musk are mingled closely together so it is a warm and creamy mix - nice, but it is nothing we haven't seen before, many, many times.

Tangerine, pear, jasmine, gardenia, honeysuckle, lily of the valley, orange blossom, amber, vanilla, sandalwood and musk.

MEOW is richer with the fruits then it is with the florals, so the lasting power is nothing to shout about. It averages between four to five hours - good, but nothing special. I also felt that Purr focused on the fruit notes over the florals to, but it still isn't as light as MEOW.

Overall: MEOW is 'nice'. It's pleasant and easy to wear, but it isn't in the slightest bit original and the mildness of the different scent notes make it seem quite flat and one dimensional. Pair that with the so-so wear and you get another average, been-there-sniffed-that release. Out of the Katy Perry releases I'd recommended Purr over this, as the floral notes are a bit more developed.

*** Katy scented the arenas for her California Dreams tour and I wondered if that fragrance would be the same as MEOW. It isn't ***

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