The other parts...

Friday 13 May 2011

Review: Project D EDP by Project D


I love the neroli-lead opening to PROJECT D; It's very spicy, yet a bit bitter and vaguely cold. The bergamot is also citrussy so blends in nicely and within ten minutes the warmth and spice vanishes and the fragrance becomes fresh and green. The ylang ylang isn't sweet here, instead it's quite musky/mossy and is very long lasting.

As the ylang ylang dies down the mimosa quickly develops and adds a vaguely fruity sweetness, as does the osmanthus. The combination reminds me a bit of tangerines - sweet, vaguely citrussy, but with zest.
I don't usually like tuberose, but as it's not artificial I really surprised myself by liking it here as it isn't as strong as I was expecting, though it does add more sweetness. It outlasts the other scent notes in the perfume and becomes almost creamy as it slowly burns down and mingles with the developing base notes.

The musk [whilst always present] becomes fully developed as the florals die down; It is strong masculine and slightly salty. Like with the tuberose I normally don't like musky perfumes, but it doesn't artificial or plastic here and as the rest of this perfume is soft and feminine I love the contrast with the masculine musk.
The sandelwood develops almost as quickly as the musk and has a noticeable woodsy scent to it, which seems somewhat spicy.I'm not used to sandalwood actually smelling like a wood so this is a pleasant surprise. It's sort of familiar to cederwood and adds to the short-lived masculine opening. The saffron gives the perfume one final spicey kick and whilst I'm not sure what amber oil is, maybe it's a fancy term for vegetal amber (resin from tree sap), it is more or less the same as artificial amber - a soft and creamy vanilla based scent.

Scent notes
Neroli, bergamot and ylang ylang, tuberose, Japanese osmanthus, mimosa, purple orchid, sandalwood, exotic saffron, musk and hot amber oils.

I really love the pretty bottle too: It is soft pink and teardrop shaped, with the name and a silhouette of a woman printed on it in black.

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