The other parts...

Monday 13 December 2010

Review: Confessions of an heiress by Paris Hilton [Book]

Advantages: Easy to put down and then get back into, attractive layout
Disadvantages: Padded with photos and lists, not very informative


In the words of Paris herself "A lot of people seem to have the wrong idea about me. In fact, pretty much everything I read about myself is totally ridiculous. Newspapers and magazines write that I'm spoiled and privileged, and that all I do is dance on tabletops and party with my friends. They think I instantly became famous because I was born into a rich, well-known family, and everything has come so easily to me. They like to think everything they read about me in the tabloids is true. 

Well, you can't always believe what you read, right? So I've finally decided to give you a sneak peek into my very hyped life -- so you can know the real me".
CONFESSIONS OF AN HEIRESS attempts to answer the question "What is Paris Hilton's job?" with Paris' lifestyle guide/memoir. As well as informing us on her many business ventures [modeling, acting, singing, a fragrance range etc], Paris also gives a [tongue in cheek] a guide on living the heiress lifestyle.

My own confession; I'm intrigued by Paris Hilton... However, I still was disappointed by this book.

I bought this expecting an actual autobiography (she's still under 30, but there is a lot to talk about), but didn't find it. In all honesty, this book was published to publicise her reality show, music album, perfumes and movie `The House Of Wax' (she actually gives fans a major spoiler by what she says).

It's an attractive book, with an easy-on-the-eye layout and there are lots of nice pictures but I wanted detailed information, and that's just not here. The reader will not learn anything new about the woman who hides behind the media image. Well, apart from the fact the MAC's Prrr lipglass is her favourite lipgloss.

There are lots of various lists [Fashion, diet etc], and the actual writing that is here is light and fun and shows that she can laugth at herself - Paris practices posing in front of a mirror - who would have thought? And it sometimes inconsistant: She likes to wear every colour except black; OK. I'll just pretend not to see the pictures of Paris wearing black then...

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1: How To Be An Heiress
Paris' top 22 rules for getting the heiress lifestyle and attitude.

2: My Other Half; My Sister Nicky
Paris tells us how fantastic Nicky is.

3: Fashion & Beauty; What, When, Where & How Low Can I Go?
Basically namedropping designer labels and taking us through photo after photo of her favourite outfits.

4: I'm With Paris
Paris briefy talks about her [mainly celebrity] friends and lists her favourite party hot spots.

5: My Jet-Set Life
She is obvisouly showing off now. Read all about her favourite destinations if you want to upset yourself.

6: My Day Job
Paris details her various business ventures. Even if you don't like her, you have to admit that she does work for her money.

7: The Not-So-Simple Life
Some information on her 'reality' series for TV. It mainly focuses on the second series.

8: My Best Accessories
Paris dishes out advice on guys.

9: My Fashion Don'ts
Paris takes us through more photos of herself, this time critizing her past fashion choices and poses.

10: Warm & Fuzzy
Paris puts the reader straight on some of the biggest rumours going round about her.

11: Personal Space
How Paris spends her personal time.

12: The Next Chapter
Paris hints on upcoming projects and her hopes for the future.

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