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Monday 13 September 2010

Rumour mill: Lady GaGa to release fragrance?

The First Fragrance by Lady Gaga Created by Coty Inc!

After a lot of speculation about the first fragrance by Lady Gaga, WWD publishes that a contract has been signed for her fragrance with Coty Inc. The first fragrance for women by Lady Gaga can be expected on the market in spring 2012!

Stephan Mormoris, vice president of global marketing for Coty Inc. states that the contract was signed last week and that Lady Gaga is a 'phenomenon' and a 'fascinating culture force' of today's world scene.

 [Credit: Sandra Raičević Petrović at]

Interesting. I love Lady GaGa and I love perfume, so my fingers are tightly crossed.
This is a highly reliable source, but I'm aware that previous rumours in this vein have been denied by GaGa's camp, so best not to get too excited just yet.

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